Amherst, N. Y. : Prometheus Books. Engineering Library QA484 . P67 2004Mead, Wendy. March 13, 2015. 3mcheck mes slsf 9102: Naming of Logged Signals Simulink/EmbeddedCoder referenced in mes slsf 9102, doc MES Best Practicesmcheck na 0014 a, mcheck na 0014 b, mcheck na 0014 a: Use of LocalLanguage in Simulink and Stateflow and TargetLink referenced inna 0014, document MAAB 3. 0mcheck mes slsf 3109: Avoid Transitions Crossing State Boundariesreferenced in mes slsf 3109, doc MES Functional Safety ModelingGuidelinesmcheck na 0002: matlab programming functionality of matlab programming check has been considerablyimproved. The check now analyzes matlab programming actual data type of matlab programming inputsignal of matlab programming respective block as an alternative of solely evaluating matlab programming blocklists that were given in matlab programming check parameters. The number of checkparameters has been reduced to two: BlocksRequiringBooleanInput andBlocksRequiringNumericalInput. These include matlab list of blocks thatare investigated by this check and might be extended. In addition, thereis matlab new review locating for blocks receiving an enumerated data typeand also matlab new review finding for cases where matlab programming data type cannot beevaluated due to an incompilable model.